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MARION BEN~LISA visual artist*

Hello there!

I’m Marion BEN-LISA,


I am a graphic designer who is passionate about visual arts and illustrations. I'm based in Provence, in the south of France. After 5 years of study and 2 years spent in a communication agency, I decided to start my own business in order to carry out more illustrated projects.  My goal was to be independent and make my own choices in terms of artistic direction.


I'm available for freelance ~ Feel free to contact me

I’m Marion BEN-LISA,


I am a graphic designer who is passionate about visual arts and illustrations. I'm based in Provence, in the south of France. After 5 years of study and 2 years spent in a communication agency, I decided to start my own business in order to carry out more illustrated projects.  My goal was to be independent and make my own choices in terms of artistic direction.


I'm available for freelance ~ Feel free to contact me

  • Instagram
  • behance
  • LinkedIn

Selected work


Timberland COLORS BOOT campaign - Set of 2 illustrations

California Dream exhibition ft. Acid Gallery  Illustrations series - Behance

Coca Cola (south Asia) illustrations for Real Magic campaign - Collab Ogilvy

Boss Beauties Boss beauties NFT collection available on OpenSea

Natyv Soul (India ft. Superunion Singapore) Packaging illustrations

Adidas (Marseille - ft. Togaether) - Illustrations shop 

Adidas (Paris - ft. TogaetherIllustrations for "Stan Smith, forever" campaign

Adidas (Paris - ft. Togaether) - Illustrations event

Adidas (Dijon - ft. Togaether) - Window design

Glamour Magazine (Germany) Portraits Illustrations

Maison transversale (Marseille)- Tee -shirt / poster design

Facebook (USA - ft. MP illustrationCover illustration

Olympique de Marseille - Affiche match  OM REIMS  I  OM RENNES  I  OM AJACCIO  I  OM REIMS  I  OM TOULOUSE

COSMOPOLITAN  (N.Y.) - Portraits for articles

Printemps (Lille) -  Painting and illustrations exhibition

Psychologie Mag.  (NL. - FR. - DU.) - Illustrations - Covers

L'Affiche Française (France)  Logotype / Branding / website design




Boss Beauties

LM Magazine

Art In Var

Page Blanche

YinYan Magazine









Mastère Design graphic​

Communication graphic designer and multimedia 

ESDAC I Aix-en-Provence I 2017 - 2019


BTS Design graphic

Print media

Campus La Tourrache I Toulon I 2015 - 2017 



ESDAC I Aix-en-Provence I 2014




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